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Узнайте о лучших ценах и клиниках по челюстно-лицевой хирургии в Чехии в 2025 году

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Какова стоимость процедур по челюстно-лицевого хирурга в Чехии? Узнайте сейчас

Средняя цена на процедуры по челюстно-лицевой хирургии в Чехии составляет $5649, минимальная — $5, максимальная — $70000.
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Турция Чехия Польша
КТ одной челюсти (верхней/нижней) от $63 от $82 от $42
Консультация с составлением плана лечения от $50 от $37 от $126
Консультация челюстно-лицевого хирурга от $150 -от $105
Ортогнатическая операция от $1047 --
Пересмотр результатов МРТ от $80 от $230 -
Прицельная рентгенография от $26 --
Компьютерная томография черепа от $130 --
Увеличение нижней челюсти имплантами от $3500 --
Остеотомия челюсти от $5700 --
Общую стоимость рассчитывают индивидуально. Она может варьироваться в зависимости от медицинского случая, квалификации врача, сложности процедуры и наличия осложнений. Точную цену на пластическую операцию вы узнаете после консультации с врачом.
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Согласно данным от 4 клиники, которые представлены в рейтинге
Узнайте о лучших клиниках по челюстно-лицевой хирургии в Чехии: 4 проверенные клиники и цены
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Perfect Clinic
Чехия, Прага

В Perfect Clinic мы стремимся предоставлять высококачественные услуги эстетической пластической хирургии. Наша команда опытных пластических хирургов, в том числе уважаемый доктор медицинских наук Зденек Прос, имеет многолетний опыт и пользуется спросом как у чешской, так и у международной клиентуры. Мы предлагаем целый ряд процедур для улучшения вашей внешности и повышения уверенности в себе.

Наши услуги включают увеличение груди с использованием высококачественных имплантатов, коррекцию шрамов и удаление родимых пятен и других выступов кожи путем хирургического иссечения или лазерного лечения, омоложение влагалища для улучшения внешнего вида и функции половых органов, а также липофилинг с использованием собственного жира для заполнения морщин. и улучшить черты лица.

В дополнение к хирургическим процедурам мы также предлагаем неинвазивные методы лечения, такие как лазерное удаление рубцов. Эта процедура безопасна, не оставляет открытых ран, позволяет значительно разгладить, смягчить и осветлить шрамы.

В Perfect Clinic мы уделяем приоритетное внимание благополучию и удовлетворению наших пациентов. Наша преданная своему делу команда всегда готова помочь вам на каждом этапе вашего пути: от консультации до послеоперационного ухода. Мы стремимся обеспечить исключительные результаты и обеспечить, чтобы вы чувствовали себя комфортно и уверенно на протяжении всего сотрудничества с нами.

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Чехия, Прага

В нашей клинике мы предлагаем ряд процедур эстетической хирургии, направленных на придание молодости лицу и шее. Наша подтяжка лица, или ритидэктомия, предназначена для уменьшения провисания кожи и морщин за счет удаления лишней кожи и подтяжки подкожных тканей. Мы предлагаем различные варианты подтяжки лица, включая SMAS, MACS, Silhouette Lift и подтяжку шеи. Наша клиника также предлагает дополнительные процедуры по увеличению губ.

Помимо процедур подтяжки лица, мы специализируемся на инновационной системе закрытия вен VenaSeal™ для лечения варикозного расширения вен. В этом минимально инвазивном методе используется запатентованный цианоакрилатный полимер или «суперклей», который эффективно запечатывает варикозное расширение вен и перенаправляет кровоток в здоровые вены.

Наши специалисты по пластической хирургии обладают высокой квалификацией и опытом, и мы рекомендуем вам прочитать их профили, чтобы узнать, как они могут наилучшим образом помочь вам достичь желаемых результатов. Мы также предоставляем фотографии до и после под описанием каждой процедуры, чтобы вы имели четкое представление о том, чего ожидать.

Пластическая хирургия – это медицинская специальность, направленная на восстановление, реконструкцию или модификацию тела для достижения желаемых результатов. Оно включает в себя как реконструктивную, так и косметическую/эстетическую хирургию. Липосакция, или «липо», — это еще одна предлагаемая нами процедура, которая влечет за собой удаление локализованного жира из тела.

Наша клиника стремится предоставлять медицинские услуги высочайшего качества и гордится высоким стандартом чешской медицины. У нас есть команда координаторов, которые готовы помочь вам с любыми вопросами или проблемами, которые могут у вас возникнуть. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам для получения дополнительной информации или записи на консультацию.

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Dental Care Center Black Swan
Чехия, Прага

В нашей клинике мы гордимся тем, что используем новейшие технологии и процедуры для оказания наилучшей стоматологической помощи. Наша профессиональная команда экспертов стремится обеспечить здоровье вашей полости рта и подарить вам здоровую улыбку.

Наша клиника расположена в Праге, легко доступна и предлагает удобный транспорт. Мы предлагаем широкий спектр услуг, включая детскую стоматологию, имплантацию, протезирование, гигиену полости рта и неотложную помощь.

Для ваших близких мы также предлагаем подарочные сертификаты, которые идеально подходят для любого случая. Воспользуйтесь наступившими праздниками и подарите здоровую улыбку.

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Ваше здоровье — приоритет Bookimed. Мы находим лучшее решения для вашего случая. Отзывы наших пациентов с высокой оценкой подтверждают это.
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Чехия, Прага

В нашей клинике мы предлагаем широкий спектр стоматологических услуг, включая консервативную стоматологию, гигиену полости рта, имплантацию зубов и отбеливание зубов. Наша команда опытных профессионалов стремится предоставить высококачественную помощь и обеспечить удовлетворение ваших потребностей в области здоровья полости рта.

В нашей частной стоматологической практике мы уделяем приоритетное внимание вашему комфорту и удовлетворению. Мы предлагаем фиксированные коронки и используем новейшие технологии для достижения исключительных результатов. Наш многоязычный веб-сайт WordPress упрощает навигацию и поиск необходимой информации.

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Получите медицинскую оценку по челюстно-лицевой хирургии в Чехии: найдите своего специалиста среди 2 опытных врачей

Андрей Харьков
Чехия, Прага
Андрей Харьков
35 лет опыта
Клиника My Clinic
SPECIALTIESGeneral SurgeryPlastic SurgeryOncosurgeryOral and Maxillofacial Surgery or Dental SurgeryOtorhinolaryngology Organization and Management of Health Care WORK EXPERIENCEMay 2019               Head of the department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic                                            Surgery, Surgical cosmetology, Basis of Private Medical Practice  in                                     Kyiv Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.                                  President of Ukrainian Plastic Surgeons Association ( Kyiv, Ukraine)Establishing new specialisation in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, creating regulatory and legal framework for initialisation of the specialisation in Plastic Reconsructive and Aesthetic Surgery for surgeonsIdentifying criteria for surgical procedures certification and controlFormulation of new modern educational programs regarding to international practice in scientific and hands-on  workshops2017Head of Medical Center of Care, Education and Scientific Activity “Ukrainian Academy of Plastic Surgery”, Kyiv, Ukraine.- Initialization of new types of education process for doctors, who want to enhance their qualification in certain fields of plastic surgery       - Enhancing of UAPS cooperation with international plastic surgery societies to precise regulated system formation that  would perfome doctors' education monitoring and surgical practice regulation2017Head of Medical Center for aesthetic, wellness and spa “Perfecto Room”, Kyiv, Ukraine.- Effective clinical and technical basis management organization - Strategy development, expansion of service market, involment of additional incomes, for projected economic growth and separation of competitive environmentSeptember 2006-September 2007Plastic surgeon-consultant, “Medical Club” Private Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Kyiv, Ukraine.creation and implementation of new surgical methods and technics for reaching “non-operated-patient” resultimplementation of evaluation system and analysis of quality of patients’ life after surgical treatmentformation of new professional surgical teamgetting best rates in Ukraine among other clinics2001Plastic surgeon, the “Vizit-cosmetic” Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Kyiv, Ukraine.- Plastic surgeon-consultant May 1999Resident Plastic surgeon, Center of Aesthetic Surgery, National Medical University, Kyiv UkraineMay 1997 Resident surgeon, the VIRTUS Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Odessa State University, Odessa, Ukraine.Plastic surgeon-consultantMay 1996Resident Surgeon, Surgical Hospital, National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.    EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONNovember 20193P (Procedure Proficiency Program )- an advanced hands-on workshop for surgeons of the highest category on “Lipo-abdominoplasty”. Bangkok, ThailandSeptember 2019 The 8th Annual Congress of the World Association of Cosmetic Surgeons, Speaker on the topics: "Problems in correlation of real and visual effects. Personality Surgery / Rhinoplasty / Systemic Approach to Complex Facial Rejuvenation / Face-lifting /. London, UK24-28 Mar. 2017The 9th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy. Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo, M.D., Prof. Pietro Palma, M.D. Auspices: European Academy Of Facial Plastic Surgery, European Rhino logic Society, Italian Academy Of Rhinology, Italian Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Italian ORL Association Of Facial Plastic Surgery18-19 Mar. 2017Istanbul Hands-on-Cadaver Course organized by the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe, Istanbul, Turkey.9-11 Feb. 20172017 Annual Scientific Meeting, the American Academy of Cosmetic SurgeryNov.-Dec. 2016Thematic advanced training “Extremity Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.May-Jun. 2016Thematic advanced training “Truncal Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.Sep.-Dec. 2016Specialty “Dental Surgery”, Ukrainian military-medical academy, Kiev, Ukraine.Nov.-Dec. 2015Thematic advanced training “Breast Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.Oct.-Nov. 2015Thematic advanced training “Minimally Invasive Techniques in Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.Apr.-Jul. 2014Specialty “Oncosurgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.20-21 Feb.  2014Extreme Live Surgery Arena Course, Prof. Paulo Castelnuovo, Prof. Pietro Palma, Varese, Italy.Sep. 2013 -Jan. 2014Specialty “Otolaryngology”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.Jan. 2012 Advanced Facial Rejuvenation, Prof. Peter Grossman, Los-Angeles, USA.Nov. 2010Individual professional improvement course «Esthetical breast surgery», Prof. Per Heden, Akademikliniken, Stockholm, Sweden.Jan. 20084-th International Course of Septoplasty – Rhinoplasty, (Linz, Austria), organized by the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.2005-2007International Institute of Business (IIB). President: Alexander V. Mertens, Ph.D., Program: Executive Business Administration Degree awarded Master of Business Administration (MBA).Apr. 2003-Nov.2006Day-time doctoral-level program with the Institute of Surgery and Transplantology under the Academy of Medical Sciences of UkrainePlastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialty (Director: Dr. V.F Sayenko, M.D., Associate Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor), Department of Microsurgery and Plastic Surgery (Chief: Professor N.F Driuk).Feb. 2000Course of Facial Plastic Surgery Techniques, London University College, Institute of Laryngology and Otiatric in association with The Royal National ENT Hospital; Gray’s Inn Road, London, England. Head of Department: Tony Wright.Feb. 2000Course of Nasal Plastic Surgery, London University College, Institute of Laryngology and Otiatric in association with The Royal National ENT Hospital; Gray’s Inn Road, London, England. Head of Department: Tony Wright.May 1999Course of Rhinoplasty by Prof. Monasterio; Course of Ageing Face Surgery by Prof. McKenny, Uagellonski University, Krakow, Poland.Jan.-Feb. 1999Professional Improvement Course “Dental Surgery”,Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine.Dec. 1998Rhinoplasty Update, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, England (Course Supervisor: Mr. Charles East).Jan. 1997Course of Modern Functional End nasal Surgery - by Profs. Kozlov & Pshenisnov; Center of Micro endoscopic Otorhinolaryngology, Yaroslavl, Russia.Feb. 19961st Educational Course of Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (by Prof. Hinderer), EURAPS, ISPRAS, Moscow, Russia.Jun. 1997Internship in surgery at the Chair of Faculty Surgery No 1, the Bohomolets Ukrainian National Medical University, Kyiv, UkraineJun. 1995Honors Diploma in specialty “General Medicine” from the National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine ACADEMIC DEGREESNov. 2006Degree of a Doctor of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.01.03 – Surgery) by the decision of the Highest Qualification Board of Ukraine. Dissertation: “Pathogenetic aspects of the age-related face and neck aesthetical changes, substantiation of comprehensive treatment and the methods of preventing complications”Feb. 1999Degree of a Candidate of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.01.03 - Surgery) by the decision of the Highest Qualification Board of Ukraine. Dissertation: “Criteria of diagnosing the degree of severity of endogenic intoxication and predicting the course of postoperative period in geriatric patients with acute cholecystitis” MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSMember of All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Physician Member in the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Full Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic SurgeryFull Member of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS87 personal journal publications 4 monographs in co-authorship 22 licenses for new methods of experimental surgery  SURGICAL ACTIVITY ;14090  - successfully trained8 medical basis   LANGUAGESUkrainian, Russian, English, German  PERSONAL FEATURES ;Focused, innovator, creativity, high personal organisation, sociability, responsiveness, rapid problem solution, stress sustainable, high imact, achieve the goals in short time, high personal motivation      FAMILYMarried, parenting 3 sons, spouse – top crisis manager   INTERESTS AND HOBBIESReading, education, couching, travelling   PROFESSIONAL CREDONot face, body correction, but recovery of patients’ psychological health and life quality improving – is primary aim of plastic surgery      APPLICATIONTHE LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONSA.L. Kharkov. Patient’s pre-surgical processing with the peritonitis in old and elderly aged. //Clinical surgery. – 1996. №2A.L. Kharkov. Endointoxication’s diagnostic with the acute cholangitis in old and elderly aged. Work materials from the republic scientific and practical conference “Diagnostic and surgery treatment of diseases and injuries of anhepatic gall ducts”.  Kyiv – 1996.A.L. Kharkov, S.B. Frantsuzova, L.I. Antonenko. The indices penetration of red blood membranes in the endointoxication’s diagnostic with the pathology of gepatobiliary system. Materials V of the congress of world federation of the Ukrainian medical societies. Odessa. - 1996.A.L. Kharkov, O.I. Tolstikh, S.B. Frantsuzova. Definition of activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase for the prediction of gepatobiliary pathology.A.L. Kharkov. Endointoxication in surgery. Updated aspects of biology and medicine. Part 1, Genesis // Clinical surgery № 9-10, 1997.A.L. Kharkov. Endointoxication in surgery. Updated aspects of biology and medicine. Part 2, Diagnostic №12, 1997.A.L. Kharkov. Endointoxication in surgery. Updated aspects of biology and medicine.Part 3, Treatment // Сlinical surgery №1, 1998.A.L. Kharkov, V.F .Simonov, A.I. Kozhan, E.M. Zapolskaya. Ground of choice of methods of prophylaxis and treatment of complications in aesthetic surgery of face. Plastic and reconstruction surgery. – 2004. P.211A.L. Kharkov, V.F. Simonov, A.I. Kozhan, E.M. Zapolskaya. Basic links of pathogenetic violations at the age aesthetic changes of person. Plastic and reconstruction surgery. – 2004. P.210A.L. Kharkov, L.V. Kharkov, V.F. Simonov, L.N. Yakovenko. Problem of correlation of the real changes and visual effects taking into account optical    illusions in the estimation of efficiency of rhinoplasty. Plastic and reconstruction surgery. – 2004, №1, P. 23-30.A.L. Kharkov, V.F.Simonov, A.I. Kozhan, E.M. Zapolskaya. Rational algorithm of choice of testimonies and conducting of basic surgical interferences on face at age and aesthetic his changes. Plastic and reconstruction surgery. – 2004, P.209A.L. Kharkov, T.D. Zadorozhnaya, O.I. Illina. Morphological and immunohistochemical features of grenz bony frame of female person at their age changes // Health of woman. – 2005. №1. – P.220-222L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Problems of primary and second prophylaxis and surgical treatment of deformations of tag of nose in time and after one-sided cheylorhinoplasty.// Stomatology news. – 2005. №1, P.- 12-17.A.L. Kharkov. Psychological types of women in plastic surgery. // The rive health of woman, 2005. № 4. – P. 241-243.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Second deformation of overhead lip after one-sided cheyloplasty, Stomatology news, 2005 № 1. – P. 63-67.A.L. Kharkov. Algorithm of surgical tactic of treatment of premature senescence of fabrics of person and neck on the basis of approach of the systems and his clinical estimation. Collection of the advanced studies of employees of NMAPO (Shupika), Kyiv – 2006. VIP. 15. Book1. – P. 749-756.A.L. Kharkov. Determination of degree of metabolic violations after classic, minimally invasive and combined plastic operations at the age-related changes of face and neck.“Clinical surgery”, Ukrainian Scientifically-practical magazine, Kyiv.–2006., P. 29-32.A.L.  Kharkov. Fibrin adhesive using at the face ritidektomy. // Scientifically-practical magazine “Liki”Kyiv. – 2006. – P. 125-127       A.L. Kharkov. Clinical efficiency of combined ritidektomy. Quarterly scientifically-practical magazine „Galitskiy likarskiy visnik”. Ivano-Frankovsk. – 2006. Т.13. – P. 66-67.A.L. Kharkov.  Combined cosmetic face operation. // Clinical surgery. – 2006. P. 55-57.A.L. Kharkov. Methodical approach to the study of quality of life at patients in plastic surgery. “Medical business”– 2006. – P. 39-45.A.L. Kharkov. Methodical approach to the estimation of results of cosmetic operations on face and neck. Kharkov medical school, medical scientifically-practical magazine, Kharkov. – 2006. № 2. – P. 76-79N.F. Driuk, A.L. Kharkov. Method of pulling up and fixing of the superficial sarcous aponevrotic system at the rejuvenating operations of person. Clinical surgery. – 2006. – P. 53-54.A.L. Kharkov. Modernized combined facial plastic surgery. – Collection of the advanced studies of employees of NMAPO (Shupika), 2006. VIP. 15. Book.2. – P. 608-613A.L. Kharkov. Determination of dependence of premature senescence from the exogenous and endogenous factors of risk with the use of discriminative analysis //Women’s health.   – 2006. № 3. – P. 211-215.A.L. Kharkov. Optimization of conduct of preoperative and postoperative periods.The rive health of woman. № 3. – 2006. – P. 8-10.A.L. Kharkov. Indexes of oxidization of peroxide lipids and antioxidant system after classic, preserving surgery and combined plastic surgeries. Ukrainian medical journal, 2006.№ 3. – P. 102-105.A.L. Kharkov. Prognostication of hemorrhagic complications, infecting of wounds and explants // the «Healthy men», official edition of association of sexpert and andrologist of Ukraine. – 2006. № 3. – P. 24-26A.L. Kharkov. Social aspects of esthetic and plastic surgeries. // “Medicine of Ukraine”, 2006. P. 2-3A.L. Kharkov. Method of determination of efficiency of cosmetic operative interference and quality of patient’s life after the operation. // Scientific news- type of newspaper of National medical University of O.O. Bogomolets. 2006. № 2. – P. 123-1A.L. Kharkov. Structure of complications in aesthetic surgery of face and neck // The rive health of woman, – 2006. № 2. – P. 201-202A.L. Kharkov. Endoscopic method of face rejuvenation. // Clinical surgery. – 2006. № 2. – P. 32-36L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Reasons of remaining deformations of nose after primary cheylorhinoplasty, terms and methods of their removal.A.L. Kharkov. Fibrin adhesive using at the face ritidektomyA.L. Kharkov. Specific aspects of mutual relations between patient and doctor in the clinic of plastic surgery.A.L. Kharkov. Estimation of degree of metabolic violations after implementation of classic, preserving surgery and combined operationsA.L. Kharkov. Some changes in social life of patients after plastic surgery on face and neck.A.L. Kharkov. Estimation of severity degree in general state and psychological types of patients according to aesthetic surgeons.A.L. Kharkov. Estimation of severity degree in general state of patients staying in clinics of aesthetic and plastic surgery.A.L. Kharkov. The psychological types of patients of plastic surgeon.A.L. Kharkov. Clinical description of patients of aesthetic and plastic surgery.A.L. Kharkov. Method of operation in bulging of auricles. // Surgical stomatology – 2001. P. 42-46Reasons, prophylaxis and treatment of deformations of overhead lip after one-sided cheyloplasty // Plastic and reparative surgery. – Kyiv. – 2004.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko, L.F. Korchak. Secondary deformation of overhead lip and nose after two-sided cheylorhinoplasty. Terms of operations and new methods. // Materials from the all-Russian scientific-practically conference innate and inherited pathology of head, face and neck for children: actual questions of complex treatment. – Moscow. – 2006. – P. 169-172.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N.  Yakovenko. Surgical and complex treatment of innate defects of jaw-facial area for children. Real achievements and unsolved problems.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov. Innate diseases of jaw-facial area for children. Modern strategy of treatment.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov V. Show, V. Semb. Review in the situation of helping children with the ununions of overhead lip and palate in the European countries.A.L. Kharkov. Secondary rhinoplasty. Materials from the Second all-Ukrainian scientific-practically conference. Standardization methods of treatment in plastic and reparative surgery”. Kyiv. – 2006. P. 102.A.L. Kharkov. Materials of the Second all-Ukrainian scientific-practically conference „Standardization methods of treatment in plastic and reparative surgery”. Kyiv. – 2006. p.102.L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Method of removal of the second deformation of nose for children with innate unaccretions of overhead lip and palate //Materials of the first scientific-practically conference „Actual question of plastic, reparative and aesthetically beautiful surgery”. Kyiv. – 2002. P. 199–200A.L. Kharkov. Complex estimation of morfo-functional, aesthetic and psychological criteria of effective result of rhinoplasty.  Actual questions of plastic, reparative and aesthetically beautiful surgery”. Kyiv. – 2002. P. 201–203.A.L. Kharkov. Role of visual effects and factors, their determining in the estimation of result of rhinoplasty. Materials of the first scientific-practically conference „Actual question of plastic, reparative and aesthetically beautiful surgery”. Kyiv.–2002. P.203-205L.V. Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Method of removal after the secondary deformation of nose with innate unaccretion of overhead lip and palate for children.License № 37070 А from April 16, 2001.Kharkov, A.L. Kharkov, L.N. Yakovenko. Method of removal of lop-earedness.License № 37071 А from October 12, 2000. 
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Марчин Серочински
Чехия, Прага
Марчин Серочински
38 лет опыта
Клиника My Clinic
Graduate of the Silesian Medical Academy (Sl AM) in Katowice, PhD student at the WIM in Warsaw.He began his adventure with surgery at the 1st Department of General Surgery of the SlAM. At the same time, he worked as a volunteer and then as an assistant at the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Mining Hospital in Sosnowiec.Head of the Provincial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Katowice 2000-2005Internship at the Roland Clinic in Bremen 2005.Deputy Head of the Clinic and Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Silesian Medical University until the unit was liquidated in 2007.Employee of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the St. Camillus Hospital in Tarnowskie Góry.Consultant of the Department of Severe Burns and Plastic Surgery in Gryfice in 2007-2009.Currently a consultant for the Eastern Burn Treatment Center in Łęczna.Actively associated with the Polish societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (PTCHPRiE) and the Polish Burn Treatment Society (PTLO).Secretary of the board of PTCHPRiE 2003-2005, secretary of the board of PTLO 2003-2007. 
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