Платформа №1 по лечению за рубежом с 2014 года
Безопасность пациента
Безопасность пациента

Gokhan Ertugrul

Трансплантолог, Колоректальный хирург, Специалист по хирургии ЖКТ, Специалист общей хирургии, Гепатобилиарный хирург, Хирург поджелудочной железы, Хирург-маммолог

20 лет опыта

Dr. Gokhan Ertugrul is a medical researcher with significant contributions in the field of kidney transplantation. His notable work includes research on the impact of the graft body weight ratio on creatinine levels following living donor kidney transplantation and the effects of the BK virus on kidney transplant patients.


Клиника Uniqacare ,Стамбул , Турция

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Renowned for his research in kidney transplantation, Dr. Gokhan Ertugrul has co-authored several notable studies. These include an investigation into graft body weight ratio's influence on creatinine levels post living donor kidney transplantation and a comprehensive analysis of the BK virus' impact on kidney transplant patients. His work emphasizes the critical nature of careful monitoring for patients undergoing high dose immunosuppressive therapy.


  • Co-authored 'Effect of Graft Body Weight Ratio on Creatinine Levels After Living Donor Kidney Transplantation', a significant study in the field of kidney transplantation.
  • Contributed to the research on the BK virus in kidney transplantation, leading to the publication of 'BK virus in kidney transplantation: A single center experiences' in the Archives of Organ Transplantation.